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Grup Adı/Group Name :
Şasi ve sürücü kabini / Chassis & cab

Komple Adı/Assy Name :
Ön tampon / Front bumper

1 | 58RS106393 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (LACİVERT/DARK BLUE) |
1 | 58RS106399 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (BORDO/CLARET RED) |
1 | 58RS106387 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (SARI/YELLOW) |
1 | 58RS106395 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (YEŞİL/GREEN) |
1 | 58RS106391 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (GRİ/GREY) |
1 | 58RS106389 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (KIRMIZI/RED) |
1 | 58RS106397 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (OXFORD MAVİSİ/OXFORD |
1 | 58RS106385 | Ön tampon, yan-Sol | Front bumper, side-LH | 1 | (BEYAZ/WHITE) |
2 | 58RS106378 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (BORDO/CLARET RED) |
2 | 58RS106373 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (KIRMIZI/RED) |
2 | 58RS106374 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (GRİ/GREY) |
2 | 58RS106376 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (YEŞİL/GREEN) |
2 | 58RS106377 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (OXFORD MAVİSİ/OXFORD |
2 | 58RS106375 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (LACİVERT/DARK BLUE) |
2 | 58RS106372 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (SARI/YELLOW) |
2 | 58RS106371 | Ön tampon, orta | Front bumper, middle | 1 | (BEYAZ/WHITE) |
3 | 58RS106335 | Ön basamak sacı-Sol | Front step sheet-LH | 1 | |
4 | 58RS106321 | Far paneli-Sol | Headlamp panel-LH | 1 | |
5 | 58RS106333 | Bilezik far kısa | Ring headlamp short | 2 | |
6 | 58RS106465 | Bilezik far uzun | Ring headlamp long | 2 | |
7 | 58RS106479 | Far trim paneli-Sol | Headlamp trim panel-LH | 1 | |
8 | SH108251 | Cıvata | Screw | 14 | |
9 | WL108002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 14 | |
10 | WC108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 28 | |
11 | NH108041 | Somun | Nut | 14 | |
12 | 52RS018888 | Travers, basamak taşıyıcı-Sol | Crossmember, foot step carr-LH | 1 | |
13 | SH112301 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
14 | PWZ308 | Rondela | Washer | 8 | |
15 | WL112002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 8 | |
16 | 52RS018929 | Alt basamak taşıyıcı-Sol | Lower foot step carrier-LH | 1 | |
17 | 52RS018971 | Braket, alt basamak-Sol | Bracket, lower foot step-LH | 1 | |
18 | SH108251 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
19 | WA108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 8 | |
20 | NH108041 | Somun | Nut | 8 | |
21 | SH112351 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
22 | NV112041 | Sıkmalı somun | Nut, lock | 8 | |
23 | WA112081 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 16 | |
24 | 8K231199 | Orta basamak taşıyıcı.Sol-Arka | Centre foot step carr.LH-Rear | 1 | |
25 | SH110251 | Cıvata | Screw | 4 | |
26 | WL110002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 4 | |
27 | WC110061 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 4 | |
28 | 52RS019073 | Braket, silindir&basamak-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | |
29 | BH112111 | Cıvata | Bolt | 4 | |
30 | BH112091 | Cıvata | Bolt | 6 | |
31 | SH112351 | Cıvata | Screw | 6 | |
32 | WA112081 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 12 | |
33 | NV112041 | Sıkmalı somun | Nut, lock | 16 | |
34 | SH108301 | Cıvata | Screw | 12 | |
35 | WC108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 24 | |
36 | NV108041 | Sıkmalı somun | Nut, lock | 12 | |
37 | SH108201 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
38 | WL108002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 8 | |
39 | WC108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 16 | |
40 | NH108041 | Somun | Nut | 8 | |
41 | 8K231203 | Orta basamak taşıyıcı ön-Sol | Centre foot steep carrier-LH | 1 | |
42 | SH110251 | Cıvata | Screw | 4 | |
43 | WL110002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 4 | |
44 | WC110061 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 4 | |
45 | 8K231955 | Kapak, tampon | Cover-Bumper | 8 | |
46 | 58RS106337 | Basamak, alt-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | |
47 | 58RS103075 | Orta basamak | Center foot step | 2 | |
48 | 52RS018920 | Braket-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | |
49 | 52RS018946 | Braket-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | |
50 | 52RS018896 | Braket | Bracket | 2 | |
51 | FS108251 | Şapkalı cıvata | Cap screw | 20 | |
52 | FX108041 | Şapkalı somun | Cap nut | 12 | |
53 | 52RS018921 | Braket-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | |
54 | 52RS018907 | Braket | Bracket | 2 | |
55 | 52RS018897 | Braket | Bracket | 2 | |
56 | 52RS019755 | Özel cıvata | Special bolt | 6 | |
57 | SH106301 | Cıvata | Screw | 18 | |
58 | WL106002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 18 | |
59 | WC106041 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 26 | |
60 | NH106041 | Somun | Nut | 8 | |
61 | 8K231931 | Braket, çamurluk | Bracket, mudguard | 2 | |
62 | 8K35849 | Yaylı somun | Nut, spring | 10 | |
63 | 52RS019326 | Plaka sacı | Screen sheet | 1 | |
64 | SH106201 | Cıvata | Screw | 4 | |
65 | PWZ204 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 4 | |
66 | WL600042 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 4 | |
67 | 52RS019090 | Ön koruma barı | Front protection bar | 1 | |
68 | 52RS019059 | Braket, ön koruma barı-Sol | Bracket,front protect bar-LH | 1 | |
69 | FS116451 | Şapkalı cıvata | Cap screw | 14 | |
70 | FX116041 | Şapkalı somun | Cap nut | 12 | |
71 | 52RS020151 | Braket, tampon bağlantı | Bracket, bumper mounting | 2 | |
72 | 52RS020118 | Özel cıvata, siyah | Special bolt, black | 6 | |
12_ | 52RS018889 | Travers, basamak taşıyıcı-Sağ | Crossmember, foot step carr-RH | 1 | |
16_ | 52RS018963 | Alt basamak taşıyıcı-Sağ | Lower foot step carrier-RH | 1 | |
17_ | 52RS018972 | Braket, alt basamak-Sağ | Bracket, lower foot step-RH | 1 | |
1_ | 58RS106398 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (BORDO/CLARET RED) |
1_ | 58RS106392 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (LACİVERT/DARK BLUE) |
1_ | 58RS106384 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (BEYAZ/WHITE) |
1_ | 58RS106390 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (GRİ/GREY) |
1_ | 58RS106386 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (SARI/YELLOW) |
1_ | 58RS106394 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (YEŞİL/GREEN) |
1_ | 58RS106396 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (OXFORD MAVİSİ/OXFORD |
1_ | 58RS106388 | Ön tampon, yan-Sağ | Front bumper, side-RH | 1 | (KIRMIZI/RED) |
24_ | 8K231198 | Orta basamak taşıyıcı-Sağ-Arka | Centre foot step carr.RH-Rear | 1 | |
28_ | 52RS019072 | Braket, silindir&basamak-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | |
3_ | 58RS106334 | Ön basamak sacı-Sağ | Front step sheet-RH | 1 | |
41_ | 8K231202 | Orta basamak taşıyıcı ön-Sağ | Centre foot steep carrier-RH | 1 | |
46_ | 58RS106336 | Basamak, alt-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | |
48_ | 52RS019071 | Braket-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | |
49_ | 52RS019069 | Braket-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | |
4_ | 58RS106320 | Far paneli-Sağ | Headlamp panel-RH | 1 | |
53_ | 52RS019070 | Braket-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | |
68_ | 52RS019060 | Braket, ön koruma barı-Sağ | Bracket,front protect bar-RH | 1 | |
7_ | 58RS106478 | Far trim paneli-Sağ | Headlamp trim panel-RH | 1 |
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