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Grup Adı/Group Name :
Elektrik sistemi / Electrical system

Komple Adı/Assy Name :
Göstergeler ve anahtarlar / Gauges & switches

1 | 52RS006866 | Kollu anahtar | Switch, column | 1 | |
2 | 8K37256 | Gösterge paneli-KMPL. | Instrument panel-ASSY. | 1 | |
3 | 52RS000546 | İkili hava göstergesi | Gauge, double air pressure | 1 | |
4 | 3K230508 | Devir göstergesi | Tachometer | 1 | |
5 | 3K230509 | Yakıt göstergesi | Gauge, fuel | 1 | |
6 | 3K230510 | Tekli hava göstergesi | Gauge, single air pressure | 1 | |
7 | 3K230511 | Hararet göstergesi | Gauge, temperature | 1 | |
8 | 3K230512 | Yağ basınç göstergesi | Gauge, oil pressure | 1 | |
9 | 3K231609 | Elektronik kilometre saati | Electronic speedometer | 1 | |
9 | 52RS011985 | Elektronik kilometre saati | Electronic speedometer | 1 | |
10 | 3K63737 | Lastik conta | Rubber gasket | 1 | |
11 | 3K230523 | Lastik conta | Gasket, rubber | 4 | |
12 | 3K230524 | Lastik conta | Rubber gasket | 2 | |
13 | 52RS003091 | İkaz lambası, montajlı-Sol | Warning lamp, mounting-LH | 1 | |
14 | 52RS001808 | İkaz lambası montajlı-KMPL.Sağ | Warning lamp fixed-ASSY.RH | 1 | |
15 | 3K232182 | Braket, ikaz lambası | Bracket, warning lamp | 2 | |
16 | 3K93958 | Baskılı devre-Sol | Printed circuit-LH | 1 | |
17 | 3K232216 | Baskılı devre-Sağ | Printed circuit-RH | 1 | |
18 | 52RS003092 | Film, ikaz lambası-Sol | Film, warning lamp-LH | 1 | |
19 | 52RS001809 | Film, ikaz lambası-Sağ | Film, warning lamp-RH | 1 | |
20 | 3K230079 | Conta, ikaz lambası | Gasket, warning lamp | 2 | |
21 | 3K86412 | Ampul, ikaz lambası | Bulb, warning lamp | 20 | |
22 | 8K86982 | Vida | Screw | 16 | |
23 | 8K63604 | Cam, gösterge paneli | Glass, instrument panel | 1 | |
23 | 8K63874 | Cam, gösterge-Sol | Glass, instrument panel-LH | 1 | |
23 | 8K63875 | Cam, gösterge-Sağ | Glass, instrument panel-RH | 1 | |
24 | SF104164 | Vida | Screw | 6 | |
25 | WA104001 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 6 | |
26 | NH105041 | Somun | Nut | 2 | |
27 | WL105002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 2 | |
28 | 52RS002326 | Anahtar, cam açma | Switch, glass open | 2 | |
28 | 58RS501823 | Anahtar, cam açma | Switch, glass open | 2 | |
29 | 52RS002327 | Anahtar | Switch | 5 | |
29 | 58RS501824 | Anahtar, açık/kapalı | Switch, on/off | 5 | |
30 | 58RS501825 | Anahtar, dörtlü sinyal | Switch, hazard | 1 | |
30 | 52RS002328 | Anahtar, dörtlü sinyal | Switch, fourth signal | 1 | |
31 | 58RS501826 | Anahtar, yaylı | Switch, spring | 1 | |
31 | 52RS002329 | Anahtar, ısıtıcı | Switch, heater | 1 | |
32 | 52RS002330 | Anahtar, havalı korna | Switch, air horn | 2 | |
32 | 58RS501827 | Anahtar, havalı korna | Switch, air horn | 2 | |
33 | 58RS501829 | Anahtar, kilitli | Switch, locking | 2 | |
33 | 52RS002332 | Anahtar,diferansiyel kilitleme | Switch, differantial lock | 2 | |
34 | 52RS007114 | Anahtar, far kumanda | Switch, headlamp control | 1 | |
35 | 52RS002333 | Sembol, cam açma | Symbol, glass open | 2 | |
35 | 58RS501830 | Sembol, cam açma | Symbol, glass open | 2 | |
36 | 52RS002334 | Sembol, iç aydınlatma | Symbol, inner lighter | 2 | |
36 | 58RS501736 | Sembol, iç aydınlatma | Symbol, inner lighter | 2 | |
37 | 52RS002335 | Sembol, silecek fasıla | Symbol, windscreen intermittet | 1 | |
37 | 58RS501831 | Sembol, silecek fasıla | Symbol, windscreen intermittet | 1 | |
38 | 52RS002336 | Sembol, dörtlü sinyal | Symbol, fourth signal | 1 | |
38 | 58RS501735 | Sembol, dörtlü sinyal | Symbol, hazard flasher | 1 | |
39 | 52RS002339 | Sembol, arka sis | Symbol, rear fog | 1 | |
39 | 58RS501739 | Sembol, arka sis | Symbol, rear fog | 1 | |
40 | 52RS002340 | Sembol, havalı korna | Symbol, air horn | 1 | |
40 | 58RS501834 | Sembol, havalı korna | Symbol, air horn | 1 | |
41 | 58RS501835 | Sembol, ısıtıcı | Symbol, heater | 1 | |
41 | 52RS002341 | Sembol, ısıtıcı | Symbol, heater | 1 | |
42 | 58RS501837 | Sembol, diferansiyel kilitleme | Symbol, differantial locking | 1 | |
42 | 52RS002343 | Sembol, diferansiyel kilitleme | Symbol, differantial locking | 1 | |
43 | 58RS501842 | Sembol, 4.dingil kaldırma | Symbol, 4.axle lifting | 1 | |
43 | 52RS002348 | Sembol, 4.dingil kaldırma | Symbol, 4.axle lifting | 1 | |
44 | 52RS002358 | Ampul, kumanda anahtarı | Bulb, control switch | 12 | |
44 | 58RS501851 | Ampul | Bulb | 12 | |
45 | SE105161 | Vida | Screw | 4 | |
46 | WA105001 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 4 | |
47 | 3K93496 | Conta | Gasket | 2 | |
48 | 52RS010136 | Radyo-Teyp | Radio-Tape | 1 | (VDO CR 223) |
48 | 51RS300505 | Radyo-Teyp | Radio-Tape | 1 | (VDO CR 136) |
49 | 58RS503981 | Çakmak-KMPL. | Lighter-ASSY. | 1 | |
49 | 3K69645 | Çakmak-KMPL. | Lighter-ASSY. | 1 | |
50 | 3K93122 | Kapı iç aydınlatma butonu | Door interior lighting button | 1 | |
51 | SE104124 | Vida | Screw | 1 | |
52 | 52RS001521 | Takograf seti, dijital | Tachograph set, digital | 1 | |
52 | 52RS013873 | Takograf, elektronik | Tachometer, electronic | 1 | |
53 | PFS310 | Klips | Clip | 2 | |
54 | DA610064 | Vida | Screw | 2 | |
55 | 3K62643 | Soket, takviye kumanda | Socket, shift control switch | 1 | |
56 | 3K53023 | Terminal | Terminal | 3 | |
57 | 58RS502922 | Kontak anahtarı | Ignition key | 1 | |
57 | 8R230372 | Kontak anahtarı-KMPL. | Ignition key-ASY. | 1 | |
58 | 52RS002356 | Anahtar yuvası | Plug, switch | 4 | |
58 | 58RS501743 | Anahtar tapası | Plug, switch | 4 | |
59 | 52RS001806 | İkaz lambası, üst konsol | Warning lamp, upper consol | 1 | |
60 | 58RS501833 | Sembol, ön sis | Symbol, front fog | 1 | |
60 | 52RS002338 | Sembol, ön sis | Symbol, front fog | 1 | |
61 | 58RS501832 | Sembol, ayna ısıtıcı | Symbol, mirror heating | 1 | |
61 | 52RS002337 | Sembol, ayna ısıtıcı | Symbol, mirror heater | 1 | |
62 | 9P917808 | Gönderge, kilometre saati | Sender, speedometer cable | 1 | |
63 | 58RS501824 | Anahtar, açık/kapalı | Switch, on/off | 1 | |
64 | 58RS501843 | Sembol, ASR | Symbol, ASR | 1 | |
65 | 58RS501836 | Sembol, PTO | Symbol, power take off | 1 | OPTİONAL (İZMİR) |
66 | 58RS502611 | Anahtar, PTO | Switch, power take off | 1 | OPTİONAL (İZMİR) |
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