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Grup Adı/Group Name :
Şasi ve sürücü kabini / Chassis & cab
Komple Adı/Assy Name :
Çamurluk&bağlantılar(eski tip) / Mudguard&mountings(old type)
1 | 8K35041 | Çamurluk ön yan paneli-Sol | Front side panel mudguard-LH | 1 | |
2 | 8K35721 | Basamak sacı-Sol | Panel, foot step-LH | 1 | |
3 | 8K35728 | Basamak taşıyıcı, üst-KMPL. | Carrier, foot steps-ASSY.Upper | 2 | |
4 | 8K63128 | Basamak alt tespit braketi-Sol | Brac.-Lower mount.foot step-LH | 1 | |
5 | 8K93321 | Üst basamak lastik-KMPL.Sol | Rubber,upper foot step-ASSY.LH | 1 | |
6 | 8K35753 | Çamurluk siperi, ön-Sol | Mudguard plate, front-LH | 1 | |
7 | 8K63967 | Çamurluk siperi motor-Sol | Mudguard plate, engine-LH | 1 | |
8 | 8K230206 | Çamurluk fitil profili-Kısa | Profile, mudguard-Short | 2 | |
9 | 8K93515 | Çamurluk fitil profili-Uzun | Profile, mudguard-Long | 2 | |
10 | 7K35931 | Çamurluk parçası | Piece mudguard | 1 | |
11 | 7K35932 | Lastik | Rubber | 2 | |
12 | NH106041 | Somun | Nut | 20 | |
13 | WJ106001 | Rondela | Washer | 30 | |
14 | BT108041 | Cıvata | Bolt | 20 | |
15 | WC108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 68 | |
16 | NH108041 | Somun | Nut | 26 | |
17 | WC106041 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 2 | |
18 | SH106161 | Cıvata | Screw | 12 | |
19 | WL106002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 14 | |
20 | 8K63768 | Ön yan uzatma-KMPL.Sol | Extan.piece,front side-ASSY.LH | 1 | |
21 | 8K35745 | Çamurluk uzatma parçası bağl. | Extension piece mudg.mount. | 2 | |
22 | WL108002 | Yaylı rondela | Washer, spring | 18 | |
23 | SH106201 | Cıvata | Screw | 6 | |
24 | 7K63641 | Çamurluk bağlantı braketi | Mudguard mounting bracket | 2 | |
25 | SH108351 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
26 | WA108051 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 8 | |
27 | 8K63772 | Çamurluk arka yan-Sol | Mudguard, rear side-LH | 1 | |
28 | SH108201 | Cıvata | Screw | 8 | |
29 | 58RS102890 | Panel,çam.arka dingil arka-Sol | Panel, rear axle rear-LH | 1 | (LCX)YENİTİP/NEWTYPE |
29 | 8K13931 | Çamurluk arka paneli | Mudguard rear panel | 2 | (LCX)ESKİTİP/OLDTYPE |
29 | 58RS102984 | Panel,çam.arka dingil ön-Sağ | Panel, rear axle front-RH | 1 | (LCX)YENİTİP/NEWTYPE |
30 | 8K202057 | Braket, çamurluk bağl.Sol | Bracket, mudguard mount.LH | 1 | (LCX) |
30 | 52RS000070 | Braket, çamurluk bağlantı-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | (LCX) |
31 | 8K93829 | Kaymayı önleyici bant-Sol | Safety walk, anti-slip surf.LH | 1 | |
32 | 52RS000071 | Braket, arka çamurluk-Sol | Bracket-LH | 1 | (LCX) |
32 | 8K202066 | Braket, arka çamurluk-Sol | Bracket, mudguard mount.LH | 1 | (LCX) |
33 | 8K230575 | Uzatma çamurluk-Sol-Beyaz | Extansion piece mudg.White | 1 | |
33 | 8K230573 | Uzatma çamurluk-Sol-Kırmızı | Extansion piece mudg.Red | 1 | |
33 | 8K230571 | Braket,arka çamur.Sol (Sarı) | Bracket,mudg.mount.LH(Yellow) | 1 | |
34 | NH105041 | Somun | Nut | 20 | |
35 | SE105161 | Vida | Screw | 20 | |
36 | WA105001 | Düz rondela | Washer, plain | 20 | |
1-3 | 8K63762 | Çamurl.ön yan paneli-KMPL.Sol | Front side panel mudgu.ASSY.LH | 1 | |
1-3_ | 8K63763 | Çamur.ön yan paneli-KMPL.Sağ | Front side panel mudgu.ASSY.RH | 1 | |
10_ | 7K35930 | Çamurluk parçası | Piece mudguard | 1 | |
1_ | 8K35042 | Çamurluk ön yan paneli-Sağ | Front side panel mudguard-RH | 1 | |
20_ | 8K63769 | Ön yan uzatma-KMPL.Sağ | Extan.piece,front side-ASSY.RH | 1 | |
27_ | 8K63773 | Çamurluk arka yan-Sağ | Mudguard, rear side-RH | 1 | |
29_ | 8K13932 | Çamurluk arka paneli | Mudguard rear panel | 2 | (LCX)ESKİTİP/OLDTYPE |
29_ | 58RS102889 | Panel,çam.arka dingil arka-Sağ | Panel, rear axle rear-RH | 1 | (LCX)YENİTİP/NEWTYPE |
29_ | 58RS102983 | Panel,çam.arka dingil ön-Sol | Panel, rear axle front-LH | 1 | (LCX)YENİTİP/NEWTYPE |
2_ | 8K35720 | Basamak sacı-Sağ | Panel, foot step-RH | 1 | |
30_ | 8K202056 | Braket, çamurluk bağl.Sağ | Bracket, mudguard mount.RH | 1 | (LCX) |
30_ | 52RS000068 | Braket, çamurluk bağlantı-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | (LCX) |
31_ | 8K93828 | Kaymayı önleyici bant-Sağ | Safety walk,anti-slip surf.RH | 1 | |
32_ | 52RS000072 | Braket, arka çamurluk-Sağ | Bracket-RH | 1 | (LCX) |
32_ | 8K202067 | Braket, arka çamurluk-Sağ | Bracket, mudguard mount.RH | 1 | (LCX) |
33_ | 8K230570 | Braket, arka çamurl-Sağ (Sarı) | Bracket, mudg.mount.RH(Yellow) | 1 | |
33_ | 8K230572 | Uzatma çamurluk-Sağ-Kırmız | Extansion piece mudg.Red | 1 | |
33_ | 8K230574 | Uzatma çamurluk-Sağ-Beyaz | Extansion piece mudg.White | 1 | |
4_ | 8K63127 | Basamak alt tespit braketi-Sağ | Brac.-Lower mount.foot step-RH | 1 | |
5_ | 8K93320 | Üst basamak lastik-KMPL.Sağ | Rubber,upper foot step-ASSY.RH | 1 | |
6_ | 8K35752 | Çamurluk siperi, ön-Sağ | Mudguard plate, front-RH | 1 | |
7_ | 8K63966 | Çamurluk siperi motor-Sağ | Mudguard plate, engine-RH | 1 |
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