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Grup Adı/Group Name :
Fren sistemi / Brake system
Komple Adı/Assy Name :
Servis fren ve hava sistemi / Service brake & air system
1 | 2K97866 | Kompresör | Compressor | 1 | |
2 | 5K97355 | Hava kurutucu-KMPL. | Air dryer-ASSY. | 1 | |
3 | 5K90921 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 1 | (5LT.) |
4 | 52RS002596 | 4'lü koruyucu valf | 4 way protection valve | 1 | |
5 | 52RS006507 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 2 | (26LT.) |
5 | 52RS002577 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 2 | (26LT.) |
6 | 52RS006506 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 2 | (18LT.) |
6 | 52RS002547 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 2 | (18LT.) |
7 | 5K91076 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 1 | (13LT.) |
8 | 5K97281 | 5' li dağıtıcı-Servis fren | 5 ways conn-Service brake | 2 | |
9 | 5K97432 | Takviye hava regülatörü | Charging valve | 1 | |
10 | 52RS002562 | Çoklu dağıtıcı | Multiple way circuit valve | 1 | |
11 | 52RS002594 | Solenoid valf | Solenoid valve | 2 | |
12 | 5K204100 | Solenoid valf | Solenoid valve | 3 | |
13 | 5K97227 | 2'li çek valf | 2 way check valve | 3 | |
14 | 5K206901 | 2'li çek valfi | Double check valve | 1 | |
15 | 5K13618 | Çek valf | Valve, check | 1 | |
16 | 52RS002593 | Röle valf | Relay valve | 2 | |
17 | 5K201080 | El fren valfi | Hand brake valve | 1 | |
18 | 5K202547 | Dorse fren valfi | Trailer brake valve | 1 | |
19 | 52RS000618 | Ayak fren valfi | Foot brake valve | 1 | |
20 | K8C4044 | Egzoz fren valfi | Exhaust brake valve | 1 | |
21 | 5B70607 | Çabuk tahliye valf | Quick release valve | 1 | |
22 | 52RS001726 | Treyler valf | Treyler valve | 1 | |
23 | 52RS002043 | ABS valfi, ön/arka | ABS valve, front/rear | 4 | |
25 | 52RS006514 | Hava tüpü | Air tank | 1 | (23LT.) |
25 | 5K208716 | Hava tankı | Air tank | 1 | (23LT.) |
26 | 5K206899 | Solenoid valf-Servis fren | Solenoıd valve-Service brake | 1 | |
27 | 2K206903 | Hız limitörü | Speed limitor | 1 | |
28 | 52RS002595 | Debriyaj silindiri | Clutch cylinder | 1 | |
29 | 5K54059 | Motor kontrol silindiri | Cylinder, exhaust brake cont. | 1 | |
30 | 2K54058 | Egzoz freni hava silindiri | Cylinder, exhaust brake | 1 | |
31 | 3K89585 | Hava basınç göstergesi | Gauge, air pressure-Serv.brake | 1 | |
32 | K0D1008 | İkili basınç göstergesi | Gauge,air pressure double | 1 | |
33 | 5K90897 | Ön fren körüğü | Front axle brake chamber | 2 | |
34 | 5K89015 | Arka dingil fren körüğü-Sağ | Rear axle brake chamber-RH | 1 | |
35 | 5K90692 | Arka dingil fren körüğü-Sol | Rear axle brake chamber-LH | 1 | |
37 | 5K13628 | Spiral hortum | Hose | 2 | |
39 | K0C8047 | Alçak basınç müşiri | Sender,low press-Service brake | 3 | |
40 | 3K13043 | Stop lamba müşiri | Sender- | 1 | |
41 | 5K97363 | Su tahliye valfi | Drain valve | 7 | |
61 | 5K90973 | Boru-KMPL. | Pipe-ASSY. | 1 | |
62 | 5K91187 | Hortum-KMPL. | Hose-ASSY. | 1 | |
64 | 5K90974 | Boru-KMPL. | Pipe-ASSY. | 1 | |
65 | 52RS003297 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
66 | 52RS003298 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
67 | 52RS003299 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
68 | 5K200694 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
69 | 52RS003300 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
70 | 52RS003301 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
71 | 52RS003302 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
72 | 52RS003303 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
73 | 52RS003304 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
74 | 52RS003305 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
77 | 5K201186 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
78 | 52RS003300 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
79 | 5K204487 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 5 | |
80 | 52RS006520 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
81 | 5K204487 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 5 | |
82 | 52RS003306 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
83 | 52RS003354 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
84 | 52RS003307 | Hortum, regülatör debriyaj sil | Hose | 1 | |
85 | 5K208526 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
86 | 52RS003308 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
87 | 5K207836 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 3 | |
88 | 5K208531 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
89 | 52RS003309 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
90 | 52RS003309 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
91 | 52RS003310 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
92 | 5K208515 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
93 | 52RS003311 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
94 | 52RS003309 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
95 | 5K97367 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
96 | 5K201188 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
97 | 5K200607 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
98 | 52RS003298 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
99 | 52RS003312 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
100 | 5K204487 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 5 | |
101 | 5K98061 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
102 | 52RS003313 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
103 | 52RS003314 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
104 | 5K97401 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 3 | |
105 | 5K200610 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
106 | 52RS002799 | Fren hortumu | Brake hose | 2 | |
107 | 52RS003315 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
108 | 52RS002800 | Kompresör hortumu | Compressor hose | 1 | |
109 | 52RS002799 | Fren hortumu | Brake hose | 2 | |
110 | 5K208523 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
112 | 52RS002802 | Fren hortumu | Brake hose | 1 | |
113 | 52RS003316 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
114 | 5K97436 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
115 | 52RS003355 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
116 | 52RS003355 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
117 | 52RS003355 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
118 | 52RS003313 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
119 | 52RS003317 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
120 | 52RS003306 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
121 | 5K97895 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
122 | 52RS003318 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
123 | 5K204487 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 5 | |
124 | 5K97924 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
125 | 5K204487 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 5 | |
126 | 52RS003319 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
127 | 52RS003320 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
128 | 52RS003316 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
129 | 52RS002801 | Kompresör hortumu | Compressor hose | 3 | |
130 | 5K97370 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
131 | 5K97370 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
132 | 5K97370 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
133 | 52RS002801 | Kompresör hortumu | Compressor hose | 3 | |
134 | 52RS003314 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
135 | 52RS003314 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 3 | |
136 | 52RS002801 | Kompresör hortumu | Compressor hose | 3 | |
137 | 5K97364 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 1 | |
138 | 5K97401 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 3 | |
139 | 5K200694 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 2 | |
140 | 5K208514 | Plastik hortum-Servis fren | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
142 | 52RS005016 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
143 | 52RS005017 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 2 | |
144 | 52RS005018 | Plastik hortum | Plastic hose | 1 | |
145 | 5K97367 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
146 | 5K97367 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic | 3 | |
147 | 5K97428 | Plastik hortum | Hose, plastic-Service brake | 1 | |
161 | 52RS002760 | Adaptör | Adapter | 11 | |
162 | 52RS002770 | Dirsek | Elbow | 17 | |
163 | 52RS002762 | Adaptör | Adapter | 35 | |
164 | 52RS002777 | Adaptör | Adapter | 7 | |
165 | 52RS002778 | Adaptör | Adapter | 16 | |
167 | 52RS003234 | Adaptör | Adapter | 1 | |
168 | 52RS004566 | Adaptör | Adapter | 9 | |
169 | 52RS005021 | Dirsek | Elbow | 4 | |
170 | 52RS002796 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 2 | |
171 | 52RS002797 | Adaptör | Adapter | 3 | |
172 | 52RS002803 | Adaptör | Adapter | 4 | |
173 | 52RS002804 | Adaptör | Adapter | 2 | |
174 | 52RS005023 | T-Rakor | T-Connector | 2 | |
175 | 52RS006361 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 1 | |
176 | 52RS006372 | Dirsek | Elbow | 1 | |
177 | 52RS005022 | Rakor | Connector | 4 | |
178 | 52RS002767 | Dirsek | Elbow | 3 | |
179 | 52RS002768 | Dirsek | Elbow | 13 | |
180 | 52RS002769 | Dirsek | Elbow | 1 | |
181 | 52RS005022 | Rakor | Connector | 4 | |
182 | 52RS002771 | Dirsek | Elbow | 25 | |
183 | 52RS002772 | Dirsek | Elbow | 3 | |
184 | 52RS002779 | Dirsek | Elbow | 1 | |
185 | 52RS002787 | Rakor | Connector | 19 | |
185 | 52RS002788 | Segman | Circlip | 19 | |
185 | 52RS002789 | Conta | Gasket | 19 | |
186 | 52RS002764 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 2 | |
187 | 52RS002792 | Conta | Gasket | 6 | |
187 | 52RS002790 | Rakor | Connector | 6 | |
187 | 52RS002791 | Segman | Circlip | 6 | |
188 | 52RS003228 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 2 | |
189 | 52RS002766 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 10 | |
190 | 52RS003229 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 1 | |
191 | 52RS004569 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 1 | |
192 | 52RS002774 | T-Rakor | T-Connector | 6 | |
193 | 52RS002775 | T-Rakor | T-Connector | 2 | |
194 | 52RS002776 | T-Rakor | T-Connector | 3 | |
195 | 52RS002759 | L-Rakor | L-Connector | 2 | |
196 | 52RS004561 | T-Rakor | T-Connector | 1 | |
197 | 52RS004573 | Segman | Circlip | 1 | |
197 | 52RS004574 | Rakor | Connector | 1 | |
197 | 52RS004575 | Conta | Gasket | 1 | |
211 | 5K97816 | Rakor-Kompresör çıkış | Connection-Compressor outer | 1 | |
212 | WF600181 | Tırtıllı rondela | Washer, shakeproof | 3 | |
213 | 5K92885 | Somun-Servis fren | Nut-Service brake | 3 | |
214 | 5K91312 | Rakor | Connector | 2 | |
215 | 5K97286 | Dirsek-Servis fren | Elbow-Service brake | 1 | |
216 | 945895 | Somun | Nut | 1 | |
217 | 5K11305 | O-Ring | O-Ring | 1 | |
219 | 5K201382 | Tapa-Servis fren | Plug-Service brake | 1 | |
220 | 5K200958 | Adaptör | Adapter | 1 | |
221 | 52RS004587 | Somun | Nut | 4 | |
222 | 52RS004589 | Somun | Nut | 9 | |
223 | 52RS005742 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 4 | |
224 | 52RS005744 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 1 | |
225 | 52RS005747 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 2 | |
226 | 52RS005748 | Tapa | Plug | 7 | |
227 | 52RS005750 | Tapa | Plug | 4 | |
228 | K0C8038 | Tapa | Plug | 2 | |
231 | 5K204286 | Dirsek | Elbow | 5 | |
232 | 5K204288 | Dirsek-Servis fren | Elbow-Service brake | 2 | |
233 | 5K97381 | T-Rakor-Servis fren | T-Connection-Service brake | 1 | |
234 | 5K97385 | Özel somun | Nut, special | 4 | |
235 | 5K97431 | Rakor | Connector-Service brake | 2 | |
236 | 5K97433 | Rakor | Connector-Service brake | 1 | |
237 | 5K97474 | Dirsek | Elbow | 3 | |
238 | 5K97561 | Rakor-Servis fren | Connector-Service brake | 1 | |
239 | 5K97906 | Düz rakor | Plain connector | 4 | |
240 | 5K98427 | Tapa | Plug | 1 |
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